This table provides information on cable subscribers and area population for many of the cities in which OffLine has been aired.

Venue Channel Name # Cable subs Area population
Ithaca, NY PEGASYS 13 27,000 67,000
Cortland, NY Time Warner 2 11,000 30,000
Binghamton, NY Time Warner 5 56,000 100,000
Syracuse, NY Adelphia Cable 3 50,000 100,000
Rochester, NY RCTV 15 55,000 150,000
Troy, NY Time Warner 16
Albany, NY Time Warner 16
Schenectady, NY Sch. Public Access 16
Rensselaer, NY Time Warner 16
Saratoga Springs, NY Time Warner 31
Cape Cod, MA CCCTV 3
Brooklyn, NY Spring Creek TV
100,000 1,000,000
Milwaukee, WI MATA 14 92,000 450,000
Minneapolis, MN MTN 33 65,000 400,000
San Francisco, CA SFCTC 53 163,000 720,000
Mexico, MO Mex TV 3 5,500 12,000
Missoula, MT MCAT 7 16,000 43,000
Washington D.C. DCTV 25 85,000 600,000
Mamaroneck, NY MLTV 2 10,000 35,000
Winthrop, MA Winthrop CAT 3 6,000 19,000
W. Hollywood, CA W.H. Public Access 36 22,000 35,000
Seattle, WA TCI 29 200,000 1,500,000
Ridgecrest, CA Ridgec. Comm TV
11,000 30,000
White Bear Lake, MN SCC 15 22,000 50,000
Santa Fe, NM PEG Access TV 6 6 20,000 70,000
Tampa, FL TEC
194,000 800,000
Madison, WI WYOU Community TV 4 150,000 200,000
Philadelphia, PA DUTV 54
Tucson, AZ Access Tucson 63 85,000 600,000
Bismarck, ND CATV 12 21,000 51,000
Muncie, IN

30,000 80,000
Albuquerque, NM CC27 27 100,000 450,000
Ashland, OH Ashland Univ. 2
Portland, OR PCA 11
Gresham, OR MCTV 11, 21
Iowa City, IA PATV 2 20,000 75,000
Boulder, CO Boulder Public Access 54 25,000  
Greensboro, NC GCTV
50,000 165,000
LaVerne, CA LaVerne Community TV 3
St. Louis, MO Double Helix TV 22 70,000  
Athens, GA ONtv 17 40,000  
Ann Arbor, MI Ann Arbor Public Access 9 30,000 65,000
Perryville, MO PVTV

Aspen, CO ATV

Portland, ME MCT 2
Troy, OH Troy Public B-casting 23 27,000  
Oshkosh, WI Oshkosh Pub. Acc. 10
Spring Valley, MN King 11 11
Wilmington, NC UNCW-Television 5
Pomona, NJ The Stockton Channel 23
Staten Island, NY SICTV 24

CC = Closed Circuit network



1,858,500 7,897,000